Nicole Grimes, Musicologist


Katy Hamilton and Natasha Loges (eds), Brahms in the Home and the Concert Hall: Between Public and Private Performance; and Paul Berry, Brahms Among Friends: Listening, Performance, and the Rhetoric of Allusion, commissioned for Music & Letters (April 2016): 169–173.

Constantin Floros, Free but Alone: A Life for Poetic Music, commissioned for Nineteenth-Century Music Review 9/2 (December 2012): 341–46.

Theophil Antonicek, Gernot Gruber and Christoph Landerer, eds, Eduard Hanslick zum Gedenken: Bericht des Symposiums zum Anlass seines 100. Todestags, commissioned for the Journal of the Society for Musicology in Ireland 7 (2011–2012): 67–76.

Walter Frisch and Kevin C. Karnes, eds, Brahms and His World (Princeton: Princeton University Press) commissioned for Music Analysis 31/1 (Spring 2011): 140–150.

Kevin C. Karnes, Music Criticism and the Challenge of History: Shaping Modern Musical Thought in Late Nineteenth-Century Vienna, commissioned for the Journal of the Society for Musicology in Ireland 4 (2008–2009): 79–83.

Schoenberg, String Quartets, Aron Quartet with Anna Maria Pammer, sop., Preiser Records, PR 90572, commissioned for Nineteenth-Century Music Review 2/2 (2005): 220–22.